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What is Frontend Mentor, and how will it help me? Plus and Minus Accordion Icon

Frontend Mentor offers realistic coding challenges to help developers imporve their frontend coding skills with projects in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It's suitable for all levels and ideal for portfolio building.

Is Frontend Mentor free? Plus and Minus Accordion Icon

Yes, Frontend Mentor offers both free and paid plans. The free plan gives you access to a selection of challenges, but the Pro plan unlocks premium features like Figma files, more advanced challenges, and mentor reviews. If you're just starting out, the free plan is a great way to practice building real-world projects.

Can I use Frontend Mentor project in my portfolio? Plus and Minus Accordion Icon

Yes! You can absolutely use Frontend Mentor projects in your portfolio. 🚀 They encourage you to showcase your solutions, as long as you give proper credit if you're using their designs. It's a great way to demonstrate your frontend skills with real-world projects. Just make sure to deploy your projects and include links to both the live site and the GitHub repository in your portfolio.

How can I get help if I'm stuck on a challenge? Plus and Minus Accordion Icon

If you're stuck on a Frontend Mentor challenge, here are some ways to get help: Double-check the README, style guide, and design files for details. If you're on the Pro plan, use the Figma file for precise layouts. Break the challenge into smaller parts, and tackle one section at a time. Use browser DevTools to inspect elements and debug issues. Google your problem and check documentation on MDN, CSS-Tricks, and Stack Overflow. Join the Frontend Mentor Discord or post in the forum to ask for help. Share your code, issue, and what you've tried—the community is there to help! You can also look at other developers' solutions for inspiration (but don’t copy them). Finally, sometimes taking a break and coming back with fresh eyes can help you solve the problem. Let me know if you need help with a specific challenge! 😊